Wednesday 29 May 2013



                                         Imperialism and Scramble for Africa

Imperialism is the extension of both political and economic influences by one state over the other or others. This is almost always backed up with military and naval forces. By imperialism, a state controls the other, as if it is a part of the controlling state. Colonialism is the exploitation of backward or weak people or states by a more powerful state. Both imperialism and colonialism connote the exploitation of the weak by the strong and more powerful one or state.
          Colonialism may be perceived by people, differently, depending on their experiences, socio-political backgrounds and orientations. As far as Africa is concern, to the Europeans, colonialism was an agent of civilization, while to the Africans, it is a tools of exploitation in all aspects. Colonialism in Africa, as a phenomenon, did not occur in the whole region at a single phase. It occur at disparate places and times. Colonialism began in Sierra-Leone, in the then colony, in 1787 and in the protectorate, in 1896. In Gold Coast, (Ghana) it started in the colony in 1876, and in Asante in 1902. Colonialism occurred in Dahomey in 1892, in Nigeria, it began in Lagos in 1861and in the Oil Rivers Protectorates in 1885 and in Ivory Coast in 1893.
           While scramble is the rush to possess territories in Africa, by the colonizing powers. The Europeans took possessions of territories in Africa, without recourse to ethnicity and tribal affiliations. However, territorial boundaries were fixed automatically by the imperial powers from Europe, who were evidently the colonial masters.

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